Monday, March 12, 2012

They Killed Off Shane

What the @$%!# Walking Dead?
How can you kill off the only rational person in the entire group?
Sure Shane was a jerk and he was jealous of Rick's family. But he always had the right plans and ideas to move forward and keep the group safe, while Rick fumbled around second guessing himself, having battles of conscious and trying to find some sort of order in a world gone mad. Shane was the Yin to Rick's Yang. You can't have the show without both of them (and stick the comic series in your left ear fanboys, this is about the TV show). Dale yes. Kill Dale. He was annoying. Even worse than Rick with his preachy kumbaya touchy feely crap. But Shane? You make him go psychotic and then kill him off. Twice! You just offed your entire tv series, whether you realize it yet or not. Stupid, Stupid, STUPID.

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