Saturday, March 10, 2012

14 Random Thoughts at 1:07 a.m.

* Julie Newmar was the best Catwoman ever.
* 1985 was a great year for pop music.
* I really miss drive-in movies.
* Comic books were better when they were 35 cents and drawn on simple newsprint.
* Marvel was better than DC when I was a kid.
* Phil Collins isn't the only one depressed about the state of the music industry.
* I'm listening to Phil Collins at the moment - "Two Hearts".
* I wish I could be with the person I love, but I can't and never will be.
* I change my desktop image constantly.
* I dreamed my cat was trying to fight a white tiger in the backyard... I never stopped to wonder why a massive billabong was in my tiny, shoebox sized yard, much less why an albino tiger was swimming around in it . I was too concerned with getting the cat inside the house before it became the tiger's breakfast.
* I don't feel good. I may have a fever. I'm not sure. I've never been able to check myself for that without a thermometer.
* Am I just getting old, or do movies, music, comics and most everything in general truly suck in the 2010s? Was this what it was like for dad in the 80s when he bashed my favorite movies, music and etc?
* I've never been a really good Christian. I've lost count of the times I've decided to buckle down and try my best to "get it right this time". Well, I'm trying to get it right again.
* Three restless nights in a row. Starting to make an impact. I wouldn't wish insomnia on my worst enemy. Especially when it tag teams with a possible head cold and mild depression. I'm in for a long night.

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